These are two webinar mode events organized by CNI, in synergy with SIIV, as part of in-depth technical meetings on the topics of“The design of upgrading works of existing road infrastructure.” The design of retrofitting of existing roads presents designers with many challenges in relation, above all, to the contextual constraints that can affect their technical choices as well as to an often obsolete and not fully defined regulatory framework.
The two online conferences aim to provide participants, through the presentation of case studies, with some methodological insights and application guidance inherent to retrofitting interventions in urban and suburban areas.
Module 1 | Upgrading of existing road infrastructure in suburban areas – Tuesday, September 5, 2023 | 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Introduces: Sandro Catta | National Council of Engineers
- Regulatory framework and levels of expertise in upgrading projects of existing roads (Prof. Pasquale Colonna | Politecnico di Bari) | View the presentation
- Adaptation of a highway infrastructure with derogation interventions.
The role of Safety Controls of Legislative Decree 35/2011 (Prof. Damiano Cafiso | University of Catania) | View the presentation - Geometric-functional redevelopment of a traffic circle interchange of complex type with large diameter and analysis of traffic quality with microscopic traffic models (Prof. Marco Guerrieri | University of Trento) | View the presentation
Link to the event by clicking here.
Module 2 | Adjustment of road infrastructure in urban areas – Friday, September 15, 2023 | 3 p.m.-6 p.m. Introduces: Sandro Catta | National Council of Engineers
- The Regulatory Framework for the Design of Roads in Urban Areas (Prof. Marco Pasetto | University of Padua) | View the presentation
- Adaptation of urban roads for the inclusion of light mobility.
Observation of effects on user behavior modification (Prof. Marco Bassani | Politecnico di Torino) | View the presentation - Adaptation of the road and bicycle infrastructure in the Battiferro university residence project with particular reference to the relevance strips and crosswalks (Prof. Andrea Simone | University of Bologna and Prof. Francesco Annunziata | University of Cagliari) | View the presentation
Link to the event by clicking here.
The two events were organized according to art. 4.5.4. of the TU Guidelines for the updating of professional competence of the CNI, with the accumulation of CFP (Professional Training Credits) valid for a maximum of 9 cfp/year. Engineers regularly registered in the professional register participating in the event will be recognized 3 cfp.