The 19th International SIIV Summer School 2023 entitled “Transportation Infrastructures towards Green Transition” was hosted at the University of Perugia, organized by our associates Prof. Gianluca Cerni (Director of the 2023 School of Higher Education for Research of SIIV) and Dr. Alessandro Corradini, the 2023 edition of the school was held on September 4-8, 2023.
PROGRAM: available by clicking here
EVENT REPORT: available by clicking here
SIIV ARENA | THE AWARDED RESEARCHES: available by clicking here
September 4th (Monday) | Aula Magna Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia
15.30-16.30 | OPENING SESSION | Chairman: Prof. Gianluca Cerni, University of Perugia
Institutional greetings:
- Prof. Fausto Alisei, Deputy Pro-Rector of the University of Perugia;
- Prof. Giovanni Gigliotti, director of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia;
- Prof. Filippo Ubertini, Coordinator of the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Perugia;
- Prof. Orazio Baglieri, President SIIV, Polytechnic University of Turin.
17.00-18.45 | TECHNICAL SEMINAR | TECHNICAL WORKSHOP | Chairman: Prof. Gianluca Cerni, University of Perugia
- Introduction to the topic of green transition in transportation infrastructure | Prof. Gianluca Cerni, University of Perugia;
- Use of electric furnace slag as artificial road pavement aggregates | Eng. Federico Autelitano, University of Parma (see presentation);
- Use of biomass ash for stabilization of clay soils in road subgrades | Eng. Alessandro Corradini, University of Perugia (see presentation);
- Valli Zabban’s new PBT technology for environmentally sustainable flooring | dr. Massimo Paolini, Technical Director – Valli Zabban SpA;
- Performance testing in 2023: current challenges and future prospects | dr. Andrea Carlessi, Product Manager IPC Global – CONTROLS Asphalt Division (see presentation);

September 5th (Tuesday) | Meeting Room Relais dell’Olmo
09.00-13.30 | SIIV LECTURES | Chairman: Prof. Gianluca Dell’Acqua, University of Naples Federico II
- Sustainable maintenance techniques for wearing courses: different approaches to 100% asphalt concrete recycling | Prof.Cesare Sangiorgi, University of Bologna (See presentation);
- Sustainability assessment of pavements containing unconventional construction materials | Prof.ssa Lucia Tsantilis, Politecnico di Torino (See presentation);
- Life Cycle Assessment of road pavements and road infrastructures | Prof. Giovanni Dotelli, Politecnico di Milano (See presentation).
17.30-21.30 | Excursion to Perugia city center

September 6th (Wednesday) | Meeting Room Relais dell’Olmo
09.00-13.30 | SIIV LECTURES | Chairman: Prof. Andrea Simone, University of Bologna
- Life Cycle Analysis for concrete sleepers: methodology and implementation| Prof.ssa Laura Moretti(See presentation) and Eng. Giulia Del Serrone (See presentation), Sapienza University of Rome;
- The value of sustainable infrastructures for the green transition | Eng. Daria Piccioni and Eng. Nicoletta Antonias, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) (See presentation);
17.30-21.30 | Excursion to Assisi and Spello

September 7th (Thursday) | Meeting Room Relais dell’Olmo
09.00-13.30 | SIIV LECTURES | Chairman: Prof. Francesco Canestrari, Università Politecnica delle Marche
- The ACR-PCR method to report airport pavement strength | Prof. Andrea Graziani, Università Politecnica delle Marche (See presentation);
- Performance evaluation of sustainable pavement materials by machine learning methods | Prof. Nicola Baldo, University of Udine (See presentation);
- The Green Shift Towards More Sustainable Transportation Infrastructures – The Canadian Experience | Prof. Hassan Baaj, University of Waterloo, Canada (See presentation).
17.30-21.30 | Excursion to Asphalt production plant Impianto Trovati srl (Fontignano, PG) and Lago di Chiusi

8th SIIV Arena | The Winners
September 8th (Friday) | Aula Magna Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia
09.00-13.30 | SIIV Arena | Chairman: Ing. Alessandro Corradini, University of Perugia
As part of the 19th International SIIV Summer School: “Transportation Infrastructures toward Green Transition,” the 8th SIIV Arena was held on September 8, 2023.
The SIIV Arena is a discussion space in which doctoral students and young scholars from different academic locations illustrate their research on topics of specific interest to the Scientific Disciplinary Area ICAR/04 “Roads, Railways and Airports.”
Also for the 2023 edition, the Board of Directors resolved to award three prizes and give, to each, a cash prize of 500euro/each.
Young researchers enrolled in the SIIV Arena competed for the awards, which was done through evaluation activities of a Scientific Committee appointed for the purpose by the Board of Directors.
The contribution of all participants can be found at the bottom in multimedia form and in the form of proceeding from the long abstracts(consult by clicking here).
The winners of the 8th Edition of the SIIV Arena:
- Eng. Carlo CARPANI, Marche Polytechnic University, award for Best Experimental Activity;
- Eng. Fabio RONDINELLA, University of Udine, award for Best Technology Impact;
- Eng. Manuel DE ROSE University of Calabria, award for Best Innovative Idea.

Presentations from all the young researchers participating in the 8th SIIV Arena: